Tuesday, January 19, 2010

My Long Weekend

I'm back after a long holiday weekend, in which I made a quick getaway with some friends for Monterey!  The weather was gloomy, but our spirits were anything but.  Here are a few photo highlights.

Sunset on the beach.  We did cartwheels and headstands.  I tried to make friends with a big bird, but he flew away into the dimming light.

Jellies at the famous Monterey Bay Aquarium.  These guys could put you in a trance.

In addition to this guy, we saw real live Nemo and Dori.  And sea horses!

A wrong turn brought unexpected treasure--an artichoke farm!!  I never knew how these puppies grew until now; I grew up seeing fields of corn fields and soybeans.  My housemate and I went in together on a huge stalk of brusell sprouts for only $2.79...which brings me to my next post...stay tuned!

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful photography. JP says,"Brings back a lot of memories.
