Thursday, September 16, 2010


Today, I celebrate my 100th post! I'm thinking back to what has come of blogging for about a year.  Its been fun!  More than one person has mentioned in conversation that  blogs can be very self-serving, navel-gazing endeavors.  I see their point, but still, I have enjoyed this experiment and would like to keep going. I don't believe that thousands of people should follow this blog, or that I offer something unique and amazing to add to the world through this medium.  I do, however, enjoy keeping a bit of a public journal, one I can review for myself and share with my friends and family.  Another reason is accountability:  Being committed to this blog, to posting about fun things I do, music I find, and things I make, keeps me doing all these and celebrating life! 
In addition, I so love reading the blogs of other people I know.  Here are two you may want to check out!

Boutique Girl Gifts : My sister blogging about her etsy business (amazing handmade items, check it out!), her thrifty finds (can you tell we are related?) and her life in general (I'm on the current post!)

Let Us Go Then, You and I : My friend Amber's blog.  When she was my housemate last year, we still found out things from one another's blogs that we didn't talk about in daily interaction.  Now that she has moved across the country (wah!) this has become an important way for me to keep up with her!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on your 100th post! I love your blog because it inspires my creativity and introduces me to new music! Thanks for the shout out. I will have to try to be a better blogger for you. :)
